Minutes from the meeting at Glenn's house
October 3, 2006
8 pm
Home of Glenn Garlick
The board held a planning meeting on October 3, 2006, for the 2006-07 season. In attendance were: Glenn Garlick, Bob Park, Bob Battey, Dorothy Amarandos, Martha Vance, Ron Costell, Jean Robbins, Alice Vierra, and Ann Franke. All enjoyed our host's kind hospitality and refreshments. In the absence of Sue Lauscher, Ann Franke agreed to take minutes.
The meeting began with review of the minutes of 3/22/06, which were approved. We discussed whether the Library of Congress will be commissioning a new work for 2008 and whether the Library has designated a 2006-07 concert as the Kindler concert.2 The Library is most responsive when we maintain close contact with them.
We then moved into the main agenda item, directions for 2006-07 and beyond. We discussed a mission statement, which is essentially the purpose in our articles of organization (reprinted at the end of these minutes). We discussed the suggestion of a paid administrator to manage the Society and do fundraising. The treasurer reported that we could not sustain this model for more than a year. We also raised the possibility of an intern from the American University arts management graduate program. The model of recruiting volunteers to do single, or limited, defined projects seemed attractive to several people. We could also support, with mailing labels, advice, and some funding, ideas that society members might have a zest to pursue.
Directory. We agreed on the need for a new, updated directory. Glenn suggested creating a broader directory of cellists and cello resources in the area, not just club members. We could include, for example, cellists in the National Symphony, Opera House, FMMC, union, teachers, and others. The directory could include an appendix of local orchestras. Awhile back Phyllis had volunteered to update the previous orchestra directory, and we can inquire whether she might be interested in this new format. We discussed how much personal information we could or should include about people who are not members. The list of NSO cellists' names is, for example, public information. We may want to avoid adding contact information for non-members.
Website and Internet Presence. The concert calendar, bulletin board, and News of the Cello-Speaking World are excellent items to post on the website. Student achievements certainly come within News of the C-S World. We also discussed making our past newsletter content available to the Internet Cello Society as well as posting it on our site. Glenn and Bob P. will work on this. (The past newsletters are now text files rather than Page Maker.) The Internet Cello Society is at cello.org.
Programs. The Millennium Stage has become a difficult puzzle. Tom is heroically pursuing possible dates, but it may end up being more trouble than it is worth. An alternative could be a winter play-in at some other location that would culminate in a cello orchestra performance for family and friends. Tom and Dorothy will work on options. The best months for a winter play-in are February or March, to avoid conflict with students' other activities. Every year, at a minimum, we need to present one program. Bob Battey graciously agreed to give a program after the new year on historic recordings or films.
Mailings. Members expect to receive at least some mailings. The questions are: What? When? To whom? One suggestion was to post our newsletters electronically and send members a postcard with brief information telling them where to find it. Glenn agreed to put together a basic mailing over the next few weeks. Ann will send him an article that Carol Newman submitted about a workshop she attended. Ann confessed to having burned out on doing the newsletter regularly and suggested that any successor editor have a set term of one year, perhaps with one or two assistant editors. One of them could then become the successor editor.
Wiki. Bob P. suggested the possibility of starting a wiki, which was unfamiliar to most people. He volunteered to set up a test wiki for us to try. Bob B. pointed out that younger cellists are much more electronically sophisticated and we need to stay in touch with them. [The test wiki was warmly received, accompanied by good cautions about the supervision that is essential to maintain accuracy & propriety.]
The meeting adjourned about 9:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Franke
Acting Secretary
- To provide a vehicle for persons interested in the cello as an orchestra, chamber group or solo instrument to advance the appreciation of the instrument by encouraging the performance of works featuring the cello;
- To recognize had commemorate by charitable and educational means the contributions of Hans Kindler to the musical and cultural life of the Greater Washington area, the Nation, and the world through concerts, commissions, programs, publications, and other means:
- To encourage the performance of neglected works of music featuring the cello and to commission or assist in the commissioning of new works for the cello;
- To encourage the study of the cello by players at all levels of advancement;
- To encourage the teaching of the cello by providing for career development training for cellists by conducting, sponsoring or assisting in the conduct or sponsoring of symposiums, lectures, recitals, and master classes for persons interested in teaching the cello;
- To provide a forum for the free discussion of problems affecting the musical life of the country, with special emphasis on the problems of the cello and cellists.
The purposes then conclude with some technical provisions on undertaking any other similar charitable and educational activities; cooperating with other organizations; accepting and holding funds and gifts; and performing any lawful acts to further the Society's aims.
Adopted November 29, 1984 and amended April 28, 1998.
- At the Society's Annual Meeting, held during Cello Day at Georgetown University on April 29, 2006, the membership unanimously re-elected all current board members (other than Peg Harrison, who chose not to stand) and three new members: Bob Battey, Laurien Laufman, and Polly Panitz.
- A subsequent review of the Library of Congress Music Division's web site did not show information on concert sponsorship by any of the various endowment funds. It did show, however, that cellist Miklos Perenyi is performing with pianist Andras Schiff on April 18, 2007.
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